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Discover Your Sound - Singing & Mantra

Discover Your Sound - Singing & Mantra

Regular price $222.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $222.00 CAD
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Your unique vibration is expressed in your voice - you literally move time and space, creating your divine matrix with your sound.  Learn how to develop this sacred tool through breath, mantra, meditation practices and philosophy.  This is a wonderful class for those of you who would like to learn to sing, but not through traditional training - more as a spiritual journey of uncovering and accepting your unique frequency.  Note: you will not need to unmute at all for this class, this is a personal self discovery experience.  

Each week on Monday you will receive a 30 minute workshop with the theory we will work with during that week.  Then we will practice together each morning, supporting each other in our journey towards understanding ourselves as the divine instrument that we are.  I look forward to the journey with you.  Sat nam!
Mondays 8:00-8:30am MST - Class with Teachings
Tuesday-Friday 8:00-8:30am MST - Practice 
12 Weeks
Starting January 16, 2023
$222 Exchange OR Included In Sat Saran Community Membership
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